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Source & Drinking Water Program

Delineated Areas

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (department) administers the Delineated Areas Program as authorized in Chapter 373, Florida Statutes (F.S.), Part III, and the requirements of Chapter 62-524, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), New Potable Water Well Permitting in Delineated Areas. The primary objectives of the program are to protect public health and groundwater resources, and to promote the cost-effective remediation of contaminated potable water supplies.

Flow Data

Below are files containing maximum day flow and average daily flow per month for drinking water plants in Florida. The Microsoft Excel files are divided by year; each year contains up to 12 months per plant for which we have flow information. Refer to data dictionary for field descriptions.

Flow Data

Current Flow Data

Information from the Drinking Water Database

The five reports below contain data for drinking water systems. All reports are updated annually in March. Included is information on sample results, average/max monthly flows, types of water treatment, the type of system, address, capacity, sources of water, population and service connections served, dates the department performed the last sanitary survey, and the dates the last bacteria and inorganic/organic contaminant testing was performed.

Refer to data dictionary below for a description of each reports fields.


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